Corona as a Wicked Problem (7/11): Keeping your options open
Corona as a wicked problem (6/11): This is not a dress rehearsal.
Corona as a Wicked Problem (5/11): Did we do the right thing?
Corona as a Wicked Problem (4/11): What is the right thing to do?
Corona as a Wicked Problem (3/11): When does it end?
Corona as a Wicked Problem (2/11): What’s the problem?
Corona as a Wicked Problem (1/11)
Het zekere voor het onzekere
Corona als een VUCA vraagstuk
VUCAts & DOGmas
20 jaar na dato
Evidence-based versus experience-based
Volatiele voorspellingen
No innovation without experimentation
Words create Worlds
Het leren omgaan met Ambiguïteit
It's never the technology
Nobody smokes in church: Design en gedrag
De waarde van design
Van Design thinking naar sustainable change